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The home resolutions you’re really going to try and keep this year.
C’mon, admit it, there’s a whole list of things you promised yourself you’d do at home over the last 12 months – until life got in the way, that is. From wardrobe clear-outs to room refreshes, make 2016 the year you finally get to create your dream home. We bet some of these things are on your lists…
1. The wardrobe detox. You’ve been meaning to streamline the contents of your wardrobe and drawers for ages. It’s definitely going to happen in the next few weeks – because nobody needs 14 pairs of jeans (13 of which don’t fit them anymore).
2. Sorting out the cupboard under the stairs. There’s no better time to tackle this dumping ground than the New Year. Who knows what’s lurking in there…
3. Repainting the hall. Always at the bottom of the priority list when it comes to decorating, 2016 is going to be the year you make an entrance with style. First impressions count, after all.
4. On that note, repainting the exterior of your home. Your poor facade hasn’t had a lick of fresh paint in, well, ever.
5. Printing and framing your favourite family photos. You’re finally going to get your digital snaps in physical form, and frame them pride of place in your living room/bedroom.
6. Kitchen cupboard refresh. While you’re not in the market for an entirely new kitchen, you’ve been promising to give the heart of your home a new look by replacing/revamping the door fronts and handles.
7. Re-fluff your cushions. No time like the New Year to fix deflated cushions and bring life back to your comfy sofa.
8. Hoarding mismatched mugs from Secret Santas past? Do you really need that mug your sister bought you from her holiday in Mallorca in 2008? Time for a mug audit.
9. Upholstering your worn out armchairs. You’ve got the fabric (you’ve had it for at least a year), so time to smarten up those knackered armchairs. Patchy velvet armrests really aren’t a good look.
10. Become more energy efficient at home. Draft excluders, double glazing, energy efficient light bulbs and insulation - there really isn’t any excuse not to put some of these devices into practice in your home. Good for the environment and money-saving – win-win.
11. Steam cleaning your carpets. Yep, it’s a chore but your floors look freshly laid once you’ve done it – and you’ll realise just how much grime you’ve been living with everyday.
12. Chronologically organising your magazine stash. You random shelf system has been bugging you for far too long.
13. You're going to tackle that mass of wires behind the TV and Wifi box once and for all, and hide them out of sight.
14. That loft conversion you've been dreaming about is finally going to be put into motion this year.
15. Sorting out the flaking paint on your front door. You meant to do this before Christmas, but mince pies don't make themselves, y'know…
Inspired to start sprucing up your home? Get started with our helpful How To videos, which show you how to paint woodwork, walls, and even how to pick your scheme. Find them all on our [Youtube channel] (https://www.youtube.com/user/DuluxIreland).
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