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Shh, don’t tell anyone, but we’re all about embracing Autumn. Here’s why.
Blackberries, crisp mornings and turning leaves – yep, Autumn’s well and truly on its way. And we have to say we’re ready for it. We’d even go so far as to say we’re (whisper it) happy to say ‘so long’ to summer.
If any of the following apply to you, looks like you’re an autumn-lover too…
You can finally put the heating on. September’s not too early to crank up the thermostat, right?
New season = new shopping opportunities. Last year’s cushions and throws simply won’t do for this year – time to get an on-trend update with blankets, cosy cushions and curtains.
Say goodbye to that guilty feeling you get for ‘wasting’ a sunny Sunday indoors at home – for six months or so, at least. Rainy weekends at home are practically mandatory, no?
That unsightly (and slightly rusting) barbecue that’s been in the garden all summer? You can put it back in the shed at last. Phew.
Time to get the fluffy slippers out. Say no more.
Nothing rivals the joy that all you cold weather-lovers feel when switching back to the winter tog duvet. Fact.
Or when you turn on that electric blanket.
Shorter days can only mean one thing – more excuses to go to town on fairy lights and side lamps.
You can never have too many candles in winter – scented, tea lights, we’ll take them all.
Nestling under a duvet. On the couch. While watching a film. What? You’re no slob – you’re simultaneously saving on your energy bills and rescuing the planet! A sofa superhero, if you will.
Summer soirees and dining al fresco are replaced with cooking hearty meals and wining and dining indoors. Your kitchen has never smelled better.
No more sticky, uncomfortable half-slumbers. Now you can enter a deep sleep and snuggle up, keeping the cold world outside at bay.
On that note, full-length pyjamas. Plaid, preferably.
The bright light of dawn will no longer stream in through your curtains at 6AM