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Transform your bathroom with a colour palette of whites.
We spend some of the most important moments of our day in the bathroom, be it waking up in the morning, relaxing in the evening or indulging in a pamper session. If you'd like to turn your bathroom into a calming haven where you can truly switch off and relax, why not try a colour palette of soothing whites? Pale neutrals not only evoke purity and cleanliness, they also lend a timeless quality that works in almost any interior space.
Punctuate the white with cool Dulux colours of stone and marble to help soften the look and create a meditative environment. White has light-reflecting properties and can easily take on a life of its own, so try and incorporate a wide range of lighting options such as dimmable ceiling lights and wall-mounted mirror lights – this will help you create a flexible atmosphere. Just add a hot bath and some soft white towels and you've got a private spa sanctuary in the comfort of your very own home.