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How to create a mood with colour
The colour a room is painted in really sets the mood for the room. A room filled with stark white walls can sometimes feel minimal while colours that are very vibrant can feel overpowering in some rooms. The main thing to consider when choosing paint colours for a room are what the function of the room is and what atmosphere you are trying to create. If you want to bring the outdoors in to create some unity between the garden and a room adding in some green can be an ideal option. If you want to create a tranquil haven then soft greys can be very calming.
The easiest way to create an ambiance in a room is to decide on what mood you want to create and pick a palette that works for this. In this video from “The Good Room” which is on the RTE Player, Gaff Interiors show how this works using the Mineral Glow palette in a bright combined living and dining room in Ashbourne.